Good news for diabetics. A new study shows that olive oil can improve the lives of diabetic patients. Research shows that olive oil can reduce insulin sensitivity, thereby regulating blood sugar levels and preventing type 2 diabetes from happening.
New Study Shows Olive Oil Consumption Can Help with Type 2 Diabetes
A small study involving 25 people has shown that adding olive oil to a typical Mediterranean meal can help reduce the negative effects of glucose and cholesterol on the cardiovascular system.
Participants in this study were required to monitor their diet and exercise regimens regularly. Participants were given a special diet with foods like whole grains, vegetables, fish, fruits, low-fat dairy, legumes and nuts. The diet was consumed along with extra virgin olive oil.
The results showed that blood glucose levels were much smaller after the participants consumed extra virgin olive oil instead of corn oil.
The findings were consistent with previous studies, which have suggested that extra virgin olive oil can help people with type 2 diabetes by raising their level of insulin, as well as lowering their levels of LDL cholesterol.
Olive oil is great for preventing inflammation and other potential health issues. Not only does it help boost your good cholesterol, but it also lowers triglycerides and helps you to better control blood sugar and blood pressure.
Why Diabetic Patients Should Consume Olive Oil
The good news is that type 2 diabetes can be managed and even reversed by making healthy changes to your life. Diabetes is a condition that can be prevented or managed by eating a healthy, nutrient-dense diet and being physically active.
If you are diagnosed with diabetes, your doctor might recommend that you add extra virgin olive oil to your daily routine. This type of olive oil is one of the best options when it comes to maintaining good health as it can help regulate blood sugar levels.
A diet that consists of olive oil can have many benefits for your health, and it's all because of the high levels of antioxidants. However, in order to experience these benefits, extra virgin olive oil should be part of a balanced diet.
How to Add Olive Oil to Your Diet
Extra virgin olive oil can be a delicious part of your diabetes-friendly diet. From using it in vinaigrettes and sauces to baking, pan-frying and roasting with it, there are so many ways you can incorporate it into your meals.
You can do this by selecting recipes that include olive oil or by simply swapping out other fats for olive oil. Its rich, buttery taste adds flair to a variety of recipes, while its nutrients may also help protect against heart disease and cancer.
Olive oil is an excellent way to add flavor to a dish while watching the nutritional content. Instead of canola oil or vegetable oil, use olive oil for all forms of cooking, including frying, sauteing, and roasting.
In recipes for baked goods such as cookies, pie crusts, cakes, and muffins use it instead of butter and coconut oil which are high in saturated fat. Olive oil can be used in salad dressing or added near the end of the cooking process for better benefits.